
[photopress:monkeybarsmatrix.jpg,thumb,alignleft] Here’s is what I’ve been doing instead of studying. Making this awesome matrix thing to get printed. Eash square gets printed as it’s own image and then placed behind a piece of plexiglass. It’s kind of hard to describe, but I should have photo’s of it soon. Until then, you’ll just have to look at this little version. I want to do one of these with a bright colored photo, but I couldn’t find any I liked.

UPDATE: I finished the matrix and it sucks…haha. There’s no other way to put it. The idea was great, but I did a bad job of making it. Lance and I made one before and it worked out perfect, I changed two things in the way I did this one and both went really bad. The main problem was how I attached the photos. I did it with super glue this time because I didn’t have tape. I also was going to glue the two pieces of plexiglass together with the super glue. It ended up with a couple finger prints and a nast residue all over the place. I’ll snap some pics tomorrow night so you guys can see how not to do it. 🙂 Night!