The New Design

Here is a little preview of what my template will look like when I get it finished. You can click the pic for a full size view. It was a lot easier to design in Illustrator then it’s been to turn it into a actualy webpage. You’ll know when I’m working on it though because my website will look all messed up…haha. Until I get that template done you guys are stuck with this one. It’s not to bad though.

Not to much going on this weekend. Spent yesterday hanging out with Lindsey at the bookstore. It was a ton of fun. Just so everyone knows though, I’m not very good at elementary math homework. 🙂 I should spend today studying for my economics exam, but I’m not really in the mood. The winter weather is already starting to bother me. I’m gonna have to go tanning soon.

Right now though I’ve gotta stop messing with this site and get in the shower. I’m sure I’ll write more later.