
[photopress:philosphyhomeworksmall.jpg,thumb,alignleft] Earlier in the semester in Philosophy class this kid who sits next to me got his paper back and I almost died when I saw what it said at the top, it was so funny. It would be even funnier if you worked with some of the people I do. One of them has this alternate personality where he says fantabulous all the time. Anyways, I thought it was picture worthy. If anyone was wondering, I got a 97% on that test.

[photopress:matrixsmall.jpg,thumb,alignright] Here’s the picture of the photo matrix I was working on. You can see the nasty spots where the super glue dried. Oh well, it didnt’ cost to much and I learned a lot. I’ve already got some ideas for a new one. I should make a photoshop action that cuts the photo up instead of doing it manually, but I kinda like doing it. 🙂 Nothing else new really. I’ve got tomorrow off work to study all day for my Economics exam. I also cancelled a lot of my classes for next semester. It’s to hard to work and go to school at the same time and I can’t give up the opportunity I have at work so I’m only taking three courese next semester.