go go gadget update

[photopress:largematrixsmall.jpg,thumb,alignleft] I’ve got a ton to write about, so much in fact that I almost split it into seperate entries. It looks like you’re going to have all read one large entry instead though. I included a photo project that Lance and I made last year. It’s 3′ x 4′ and it hanging in our living room.

Didn’t do much yesterday, worked all day, payed my car insurance and renters insurance. Then I headed off to the tanner, which was the best decision of the day. I’m one of those people that needs the sun or I get depressed. I feel so much better already.

Lance and I also played a few games of chess. Our last game was crazy, it lasted almost two hours. It feels good to play again though and it gives us a chance to just sit and relax.

Alright, I’ve decided this is to much to fit into one entry. 🙂 I’ll write about all my ipod problems in the next entry…haha.