happy birthday blake!!!

tomorrow is blakes official birthday, but we celebrated it last night downtown. not to crazy of a weekend aside from that… met with my english group to work on our manual for class that is due monday. i’ve shot a lot of photos this weekend so far, but i’m way behind on getting them all developed so they’ll be up soon. i’ll probably spend some time tomorrow getting them wrapped up. i’ve got some other homework i need to finish up too.

the rest of the weekend is looking pretty chill. i’ve got to stop by the crush downtown to give fluffy his vip pass back and then it’s relaxing the rest of tonight. tomorrow i’m going to get all my homework done asap and then get my photos developed and get everything ready for monday. after that i’ll probably do something with whitney and just relax. sounds like the perfect sunday to me. 🙂

p.s. to keep the trend going here is yet another photo from whitney’s apt…