Going Carless

If I lived in Chicago I’d barely ever use my car. The public transportation system there is amazing…well amazing for the US. European transportation is on another level.

What I’m wondering is if I can go without a car here in Grand Rapids, Michigan. My friend Whitney did a pretty good job of it last year, but she got very lucky and had a stop outside her apt and she went to school downtown. I just moved to a place where the closest bus stop is a bike ride away and I’m still looking for the closest bus stop by my work.

The best part is an unlimited bus pass is just over $30.00 a month.

It would definitely change the way I live though. I need to research this more and possibly try and take the bus to work, etc a couple times to see how feasible it really is. Unfortunately I think unless I lived downtown/worked downtown, the bus may be a little bit out of reach.