Journal – Vol 1

I’ve been working on this journal of sorts for a few months now. I’m not sure if ‘abstract‘ is the right word…I’m at a loss for a better word to describe it…although ‘true trust and openness‘ is probably a better description. I need to get a few last things together…mainly the few photos that need to be added and then I just need to figure out where to get an actual copy made…most likely online somewhere.

Either way this is just volume 1. Why would I give something the label of volume 1…? Well there will be a volume 2 eventually. I can’t say exactly when, just that I’m 108% sure there will be…I want to say how long before I’ll start writing the next one, but they kind of write themselves and the last few times I guessed at similar things I was a little to accurate.

If this entry makes no sense to you don’t worry…a lot of my entries in 2008 probably won’t. In fact I’ve been tossing the idea around of making this blog private again and only open to certain people so I can use it for its initial purpose.