Random Thoughts…

It’s hard to…it’s impossible to write openly on this blog now. To many people read or might read it that I don’t want to. What sucks the most is I can’t write what I want for the people that I want to see it…like for the people that read it today.
I’m in a random mood today so here is a random list…

  • my iTunes is cursed…it’s freaky…
  • …so is every other source of music I listen to
  • 2,592,000 seconds is a long time
  • it’s worth the wait
  • I love the thunderstorms tonight
  • Vienna Teng is nice to fall asleep to
  • I’m mini and have a beard
  • this list is partially inspired by miller lite
  • most people won’t understand this list
  • Jane would of liked Chicago…
  • …and the clothes at H&M

If anyone can identify the reference to ‘Jane’ I’ll…well we’ll talk when someone actually identity’s the reference…back to the list.

  • I like even numbers like zero zero eight
  • completely trusting someone is scary…
  • …but completely worth it
  • I keep one penny in my pocket
  • I’ve spent to long writing this list

I’m going to start a second blog where I just ramble. The address is pbomers.com/codeword. If you know the codeword you are set.

p.s. Three posts ago I wrote that most people wouldn’t understand my posts for 2008. I wasn’t kidding…see above if you aren’t confused yet. Oh and to confuse you more…wikipedia has all the answers and Google is a good friend of mine.