Article Writing
Warning: Most people will find this blog post boring, I’m sorry.
So lately I’ve been writing a lot of articles for various websites. I was never a good writer in high school and I didn’t get much better in college. Lately for work however I’ve had an increasing need to become a better writer for some upcoming projects that we are working on. It’s amazing how fast you improve at article writing after only a few weeks. I’d say I’m probably a month into writing articles and the first two weeks were definitely the hardest. After that it just kept getting easier and easier.
I’m currently writing articles for a website called rambles on tech which is going to be a cool website dedicated to everything tech related. I’m not looking to compete with sites like Gizmodo or Engadget which are definite authorities in this area, but it will be a great place to keep a journal of the technology I use in my life and also a site where other people can contribute to the site and talk about tech in their life as well.
After a few weeks of article writing I started digging through my old college work. I’m still digging through all the backups trying to find the majority or it, but I did find some papers I wrote. I will say that some are better and less embarrassing than others. Considering I’m into photography the article I wrote on the transition from film to digital wasn’t to bad. It was short and to the point, but over all was very good. The paper or manual I had to write on how to throw a kegger however wasn’t so great. It was a group project and the teacher thought it was funny so I guess it worked out ok. There is something odd about standing in front of a group of college kids and presenting a manual on keggers though.
See I told you this post would be boring. If you made it this far I’m impressed…haha.