Random Posts
i paid off my car!
i went into the bank today and walked out with a clean title to my intregra. it felt so good to pay off my car. my dad had a car for me to drive when i first started and not long after that i purchased my first car and that’s where the car payments began. every since i’ve had at least one car payment. when i was racing the del sol at the track i actually had two car payments. it’s nice to know its finally paid off though. time to start looking for a type r. 🙂
in other news… HAPPY ST. PATRICK’S DAY i’m wearing the shirt i made last year again because well…it rocks! you can check out last years post for a picture of what’s on my shirt. and yes i am wearing green underwear.
i’ve got tons more to post, but it’s going to have to wait. it’s time to go work on my bike.
50 states in a week’s vacation
This guy took a one week vacation and managed to make it through all 50 states. It’s a crazy idea, but really cool. You can check out all the details here: 50 States In A Week’s Vacation
project single speed update 1
I’ve been spending some of my free time over the past week or so getting a bike ready for the summer. It came together a lot faster than I thought it was going to. Lance and I started working on it last Sunday and the following Sunday we had it stripped, powder coated and reassembled enough to ride. I’ll get some final photos up soon. Check out the projects page for more info or check out all the photos of the bike on flickr.