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thanks kat and megan!
i just wanted to say thanks to megan and kat! kat for chatting with me for awhile and offering to pick me up and to megan for picking me up and hanging out with me until i was sober enough to drive. i owe you both a big thanks and probably dinner. 🙂
in other news i’m lazy and don’t update like i should… photos from traverse city and a propper update coming soon.
the week in review
will be up shortly. complete with photos, stories, and all kinds of good stuff. mainly just good photos though. 🙂
EDIT: Photos will be up later, like way later. I got other stuff to deal with…
EDIT2: No more interest in this post, if you want photos email me.
i can’t think of a title… anyways. check out this sweet effect, the question is what do i put up there? click here!