
so i’m trying out flickr to see how i like it. so far i’m pretty impressed. i’ve always said i would host my own photos, but flickr is really making me think twice. i set up a little test of how it would look on my site. you can check it out here. let me know what you think. i love the tags at the top.

road trip

so i was thinking about taking a road trip around the end of the summer, but not just a random road trip to a place a couple hours away. instead i want to take a road trip across the united states. we could leave michigan and head west and just stop at tons of cool places along the way until we get to CO, AZ, or CA maybe?

anybody down for something like that? maybe we could get like 2-3 cars worth the people to do it even?

p.s. i still take pictures, i just never edit them…haha. they’ll be up soon. 🙂