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new study about hornyness
All I can say is that this is a real study done by a good friend of mine. The friend requested to stay anonymous.
“After evaluating many circumstances within a moderate sized sample population of females over a 2 year time period, I have come to the following scientific conclusion: Females at or above the age of 24 are on average 100 times hornier (I know it amazed me too!) than females at any given age younger than previously mentioned. *Note: applies to females who are single.”
rock climbing
taking applications…
i’m currently taking applications for a new 4-wire o2 sensor. my current one hates me and has become unreliable so we had to break up. ideally my new o2 sensor would love jumping from 0-1 volts and always be down for late night rips.
applications can be email to [email protected]